So I don't know about all of you, but time sure does fly when you are having fun! I turned 5 months old on Mother's Day and my mommy and daddy are so proud of me. Since I am now 5 months old, I got to go to not only 1, but 2 graduations. On Friday we drove to Texas A&M to see "aunt" Meghan graduate with her Master's Degree. I had a lot of fun since I got to see Desmond, my Houston boyfriend. Then the next morning we got to see aunt Rebecca graduate from UNT with an Interior Design degree, mom says she is a sumo wrestler and then something else about a cum laude?? I don't know, but all I could tell is it means you are real smart and you get to wear a special sash when you graduate. At any rate, I got real familiar with my car seat that weekend, but mom and dad said I was an Angel!!
After aunt Rebecca's graduation I went to great aunt Joyce and uncle Paul's house. I got to meet my 2nd cousin Lorelei, it was so much fun meeting a little person who is a girl!! We totally bonded and as you can see we were quite the Main attraction!
On Mother's Day we went over to Rick's house and had BBQ!! Mmmm mmmm. I saw great aunt Kay, great grandma Dorothy, uncle Aaron, Kyle, Kelsey, and of course Rick. I got to go swimming for the first time and did you know that the water in the pool is made special, I just couldn't stop tasting it.
I got tired of just having milk all the time, so I have started eating cereal! I love to play with my feet and I am finding that they are quite helpful when I am trying to reach things. I also love to roll over on my tummy hold my head up and squeal!! Well that is all for now, talk to you soon!
Mommy & I took uncle Aaron to Baton Rouge this past weekend for Kaila's 2nd birthday party. I had a blast swimming in the pool & working on my tan. I got to spend an afternoon with Tia Becky too which was lots of fun.
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