Sunday, November 9, 2008

A nice day at Sea World

Today I went to Sea World with my mommy and daddy, and we had a great time. I got to feed the dolphins, watch all of the fish in the gigantic aquarium get fed, watch the sea lion show, the beluga whale show, AND see Shamu!! Needless to say it was a busy day. My favorite was the beluga whale show, I kept clapping my hands and screaming, it was so cool! Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well I'm proud to say that I survived my 1st Halloween. It was so much fun, I got to dress up like a ladybug, see family and friends and I got to get CANDY! But mommy says I can't have any, wonder who's gonna eat my candy? Hmmm....
Here I am on the move!

Speaking of mommy, I finally figured out how to turn my "mmmm" sound to "mama" and "mom". I think my mom really likes that, because she is constantly saying it to me.
This is me and Alex, the narcoleptic chicken (he fell asleep while we were trick-or-treating). Hope everyone had a great Halloween.