Now for a quick update. I have been really getting around these days. Mom & Dad say I crawl at the speed of lightning and I have also begun to take a few steps on my OWN!! I'm not just talking 1 step at a time, I have taken as many as 8 steps ALL by myself. Watch out everybody, I will be running around before you know it!! I will see if I can get Mom and Dad to post some video of my latest tricks. Hope everyone else is enjoying the new year!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
My Latest Tricks!
Now that I am becoming more mobile, I am starting to get into all kinds of trouble these days. I have always loved to look in the refrigerator when Mommy is getting things out, however I have decided to take that to a new level by climbing into the refrigerator. I was just hoping that Mommy would pick me, and she did!!

Now for a quick update. I have been really getting around these days. Mom & Dad say I crawl at the speed of lightning and I have also begun to take a few steps on my OWN!! I'm not just talking 1 step at a time, I have taken as many as 8 steps ALL by myself. Watch out everybody, I will be running around before you know it!! I will see if I can get Mom and Dad to post some video of my latest tricks. Hope everyone else is enjoying the new year!
Now for a quick update. I have been really getting around these days. Mom & Dad say I crawl at the speed of lightning and I have also begun to take a few steps on my OWN!! I'm not just talking 1 step at a time, I have taken as many as 8 steps ALL by myself. Watch out everybody, I will be running around before you know it!! I will see if I can get Mom and Dad to post some video of my latest tricks. Hope everyone else is enjoying the new year!
Friday, December 12, 2008
I'm One!!
Well everybody, it's official I turned 1 yesterday and I am now a toddler. It was a wonderful day, the day started with Mommy waking me up and giving me a waffle with a candle on it and singing me Happy Birthday. The waffle had some sweet stuff on it, I think Mommy called it "surip", it was yummy! Then we went to to visit Daddy at his work and I was serenaded by one of his coworkers who is a mariachi, I just didn't know what to think. We took daddy out to lunch and then I went home to rest up for the main event of the day!
We went to dinner at my favorite restaurant, Texas Roadhouse and Grandma & Grandpa Tye, Uncle Aaron, Averie, Grandpa Scott and of course Mommy and Daddy joined me. I really enjoyed the steak filet, baked potato, green beans and rice, oh and who could forget those yummy buttery rolls! The wait staff brought over a saddle and announced my Birthday to the whole restaurant and everyone said "Yeeha". After dinner we all headed back to my place for presents and CAKE!! I really enjoyed the cake and I loved that fact that everyone was eating cake with me, so much that I squealed really loud when anyone else was eating cake. When the cake was demolished it was off to take a bath and then I crashed!! What a day, turning 1 is hard work!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A nice day at Sea World

Today I went to Sea World with my mommy and daddy, and we had a great time. I got to feed the dolphins, watch all of the fish in the gigantic aquarium get fed, watch the sea lion show, the beluga whale show, AND see Shamu!! Needless to say it was a busy day. My favorite was the beluga whale show, I kept clapping my hands and screaming, it was so cool! Hope everyone else had a great weekend!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Well I'm proud to say that I survived my 1st Halloween. It was so much fun, I got to dress up like a ladybug, see family and friends and I got to get CANDY! But mommy says I can't have any, wonder who's gonna eat my candy? Hmmm....
Speaking of mommy, I finally figured out how to turn my "mmmm" sound to "mama" and "mom". I think my mom really likes that, because she is constantly saying it to me.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cutest thing...EVER!!
This is Jana's mommy with an exciting interruption.
This evening, Jana officially did one of the cutest things I have ever seen her do. After I got home from work I was sitting in the recliner looking at a catalog. Jana crawled over to me and was standing at me feet, I assumed she was trying to grab the catalog, but I was wrong, I lifted the catalog up to keep it out of her reach and there was the cutest thing I have ever seen. She was actually squatting down peering under the catalog at me trying to get my attention!! It was sooo adorable. Then she of course had to make it even more adorable and squeal every time I saw she was peeking at me. Eric would ask her , "Where's mommy?" and she would peek under look at me and then squeal and of course I would then crack up, it was hilarious!! Here is a small clip of the video Eric took, please excuse my appearance!!
This evening, Jana officially did one of the cutest things I have ever seen her do. After I got home from work I was sitting in the recliner looking at a catalog. Jana crawled over to me and was standing at me feet, I assumed she was trying to grab the catalog, but I was wrong, I lifted the catalog up to keep it out of her reach and there was the cutest thing I have ever seen. She was actually squatting down peering under the catalog at me trying to get my attention!! It was sooo adorable. Then she of course had to make it even more adorable and squeal every time I saw she was peeking at me. Eric would ask her , "Where's mommy?" and she would peek under look at me and then squeal and of course I would then crack up, it was hilarious!! Here is a small clip of the video Eric took, please excuse my appearance!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Look at ma new shoes!
So each day I am getting closer to walking. So Grandma Sandra decided it was time to take me out and get some fancy shoes to celebrate. They are called Mooshu Trainers, my mom thinks they are the cutest things, because they squeak when you walk. Supposedly they don't just squeak for fun, it is to help babies learn to put their heels down when they walk (the lady at the store says that all babies instinctively walk on their toes.) Well I don't really care about that, I think the best part is that you can change out the bows go on the toes, so it matches what you are wearing. Isn't that the coolest thing you have ever heard? Here are some pics of me in my new shoes.
I have an important announcement to make, I recently cut my 8th tooth!! Before you know it, I will have a mouth full of teeth. I am experimenting and trying all kinds of new foods with all of these wonderful teeth I am developing, it is so much fun. I have also taken an interest to animal sounds lately and I find that cow talk is much more intriguing than human talk. Therefore when anyone around me speaks the cow language I will politely "moo" back at them. For some reason mommy & daddy have started doing a lot of "cow talking" lately. Hmmmm......
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Whew....What a Weekend!
I had quite the weekend. The biggest news is I finally got to meet the J's, Great Uncle Jeff & Great Aunt Judy. They packed up everything they own in their Toyota Tacoma and drove 5700 miles from Alaska and now they are here in the great state of Texas to stay. Since they live so far away I hadn't met them yet & I finally got to meet them! Of course I wasn't shy at all, I crawled right over to Aunt Judy and immediately made goo goo eyes at Uncle Jeff.
Once we got home daddy watched the Cowboys play and then mommy & daddy's friends Uncle Ben & Aunt Jennifer came over with Alex. Mommy & Aunt Jenn cooked dinner while I played with Alex & Uncle Ben, it was a great end to a wonderful weekend!
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